Not ready for publication ~ Comments appriciated.
Labor Issues.
A 4,000 word polemic, "Workplace Abuse Is Not About Therapy" which outlines in detail the general inapplicability of most psychological principles (which deal with family-like interpersonal relationships), to the workplace which is primarily political, that is, power-based relationships.
A sample:
Like most employees, therapists come to work understanding the dynamics of the family and community that raised them, but insufficient numbers understand how the business world works generally, much less their actual role within their personally confusing morasses of most workplaces. They comprehend that families are specifically about personal relationships which tend to generate naturally, seemingly last forever and where issues, tasks and responsibilities are secondary.
But the workplace is altogether different. The workplace is instead a consciously constructed organization that pursues mostly near-term goals. The people who pursue those goals, the personal aspects of relations between them, and sometimes even the means they use to meet those goals are secondary at best. Employees shouldn’t take it personally because, ultimately, it is not personal. It is business. Again, it is about “production, profits and paychecks,” and not personalities. When bullying bosses are thrown into the mix, it is difficult enough to transcend the illusion of the interpersonal without MFTs reinforcing the family model that simply does not fit into the workplace.
For our purposes, sociopaths are termed, “Sociopathic 301.81s.”
“Narcissist”: At root, narcissism is an utter lack of a capacity for empathy (LCE) but is defined with precision by the American Psychiatric Association in its DSM-5 at 301.81, “Narcissistic Personality Disorder.”
“Sociopath”: Webster’s: “A person suffering from a psychopathic personality (e.g. 301.81), whose behavior is aggressively anti-social.”
Not all narcissists are sociopaths
– But all sociopaths are narcissists.